Mandala of Chaos Crossing Order

Mandala of Chaos crossing Order

The “Mandala” of Chaos and Order was made long before we felt the chaotic global effects of whatever caused the Covid 19 pandemic to start.

The apparent wave of “chaos”crossing my symbol for order here (from a clay clock-face which I made in my pottery days) arose out of yet another combination of chance, real liquids and solids and finally, digital art.

The order of the universe itself, plus the order which we believe we see in it, plus chaos, chance, complexity, uncertainty, the interconnection of all things . . what we do with all that : c’est la vie!

The Place in the Forest

The Place in the Forest

This is one version of a picture which I made about an old legend, a few years ago. The later version will follow before long, and perhaps even other versions some day. For this is a story that has many versions and even more interpretations; many meanings for different people, sometimes even more than one meaning for one person! And who can say ? At its simplest, it is a place where you can go to find peace.

A Gun-Free Salute, for Remembrance Day.

In Remembrance of fallen airmen and all who gave their lives for their country: a gun-free salute!

Why airmen in particular? I made this one a few years ago, because of an incident in my wartime childhood which has always stayed with me. I have never understood why we celebrate so many peace-related events, or greet royalty for instance, by firing a weapon!

Of course, On November 11th, I wear a red poppy in remembrance of ALL the fallen – in WWI, WWII and all other wars.

But I ALSO wear a WHITE POPPY. Here is some info about it:

 If you don’t already know about it, for next November, check out the White Poppy for Peace movement  and consider wearing a white poppy as well as a red one.  The movement, decades old, is apparently somewhat controversial. I think if people really understood it there would be no problem.  Wearing a white poppy is not disrespectful of the red poppy. Those who wear them believe “Remembering is important but it isn’t enough”.  Wear it to:

* commemorate ALL victims of war (troops, civilians, peacekeepers, all who lost their lives  or suffered, on both sides)

* reject war as a tool for social change

* call for dialog and peaceful conflict resolution

* show your commitment to building a better future

The fallen forces of the countries who are fighting are not the only fallen, not the only hurt! Many more deaths are civilians. Many more are hurt.

War affects everyone! If you wear a white poppy, it is best to wear a red one as well, to show you also respect the red poppy.

May we all continue working, each in our own way,  to promote peace all year!