Tangled Garden: Chocolate Lilies

Tangled Garden Series : Chocolate lilies

Tangled Garden Series : Chocolate lilies

All native west coast wild lilies, including also Camas or Easter Lilies, are a real source of joy in the Springtime.

Chocolate lilies, Fritillaria, are found all along the Pacific Coast from California up British Columbia to Alaska.  The Salish and other indigenous peoples used them for food.  The root is bulb-like, containing  grains a bit like rice,  which could be boiled or steamed. They could also be dried and stored for the coming winter.

The name comes from the colour, a purplish brown, not the taste, which is somewhat bitter, and as for the smell, the nicest way to put it     . . . is a bit like skunk cabbage! This attracts flies, which are the pollinators rather than bees.

If you want to know more about this interesting plant, here’s one source, a great site about nature on the west coast:
